During our last reporting cycle, we engaged extensively with our stakeholders and used the subsequent materiality process to shape our sustainability strategy. This strategy “Alliance Sustainability Ambitions 2030” is where we identified the four sustainability pillars - PEOPLE, COMMUNITY, RESOURCES and INNOVATION as our guiding framework. This model aligns with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Hong Kong Government’s Climate Ready 2030, as well as our parent companies' policy.
Through this structured agenda we aim to address our material sustainability aspects, and our guided and more focused actions will help us realizing our purpose of building a great, liveable city through sustainable concrete and aggregates solutions.
During the recent engagement, our stakeholders told us that the material aspects we identified in last reporting cycle and the priorities we determined in the four pillars remain valid. They also gave us valuable suggestions on various sustainability aspects such as to escalate our climate protection actions, the connection of our expertise and capability to our CSR activities, and driving good practices within the supply chain via responsible sourcing. We took all these suggestions on board and adjusted our strategic actions. More details of our strategic actions can be found in the "Way Forward" section.